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Low Vision Matters
 Low Vision Matters
 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over seven million people in the US alone suffer from severe vision loss or blindness. In the past, low vision was truly a life-altering condition. Those seemingly everyday tasks that were once so simple instead became difficult—whether one had to work, cook, read, drive, go out to shop, or even...9780757005343PaperbackAvailable$21.95 USD -
Overcoming Senior Moments
 Chief among the fears of the aging population are memory loss and dementia. In Overcoming Senior Moments, we learn how to maintain brain health and guard against dementia through pleasantly illustrated text that simplifies how the brain works and what it needs in order to stay in tip-top shape. Drinking mineralized water, eating the good fats, and exercising are a...9780970111098PaperbackAvailable$9.95 USD -
Difficult People
 Difficult People
 For most of us, difficult people are the bane of our existence. They annoy us, they throw us off balance, they test our patience, and—to one degree or another—they provoke reactions that are decidedly unhealthy. But it is also true that difficult people (DPs) mirror our own dysfunctional mental states and provide us with wonderful opportunities to understand ourselves, heal...9780984495566PaperbackAvailable$17.95 USD -
Blue Sky, White Clouds
 Blue Sky, White Clouds
 In working with his 86-year-old mother, who was in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’sdisease, author Eliezer Sobel discovered something astounding. Although she could notspeak full sentences or follow a story line, his mother could read, and would sit in raptattention as she paged through magazines and coffee-table books. That is why he wroteBlue Sky, White Clouds. A simple picture book...9781937907075HardbackAvailable$19.95 USD -
What You Must Know About Memory Loss & How You Can Stop It
 Leave it to one of America’s best-selling physician/authors to tackle one of the country’s fastest-growing health concerns. With over 77 million baby boomers living in the U.S., memory loss is quickly becoming a major issue. Although the common belief is that these irritating lapses in the ability to remember are a normal part of aging, current scientific research indicates otherwise....9780757003868PaperbackAvailable$15.95 USD -
The Alzheimer's Prevention & Treatment Diet
 *** OVER 13,000 COPIES SOLD ***SEEN NATIONWIDE ON THE DR. OZ SHOWIncreasingly, research has shown that diet is one of the greatest weapons we have to protect and defend your rain against Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Based on current studies as well as firsthand experience working with thousands of patients—both those who have normal cognitive health and those in the early stages...9780757004087PaperbackAvailable$17.95 USD -
Dr. Vlassara's AGE-Less Diet
 Imagine naturally occurring toxic substances that are responsible for chronic disease and accelerated aging. When trying to discover why patients with diabetes are prone to complications such as heart disease, Dr. Helen Vlassara and her research team focused on compounds called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, which enter the body through the diet. For years, these amazing studies remained...9780757004209PaperbackAvailable$16.95 USD -
The A.G.E. Food Guide
 The A.G.E. Food Guide
 All foods contain AGEs—advanced glycation end products—which are naturally occurring toxins. Numerous studies have shown that a buildup of AGEs accelerates the body’s aging process. Over time, by increasing oxidation and free radicals, hardening tissue, and creating chronic inflammation, AGEs lead to a host of chronic diseases. By knowing how to lower your AGE consumption, you can lead a longer,...9780757004292PaperbackAvailable$8.95 USD -
 In spending time with his mother in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease, Eliezer Sobel recognized something astounding. Although she had seemingly lost all of her language skills several years earlier, he discovered that she still enjoyed gazing at pictures in magazines and actually reading the headlines aloud! He searched for a simple picture book with easy-to-read captions in big...9781937907440HardbackAvailable$17.95 USD -
Guardianships and the Elderly
 Imagine a system of justice in this country that strips its citizens of their Constitutional rights, voids their existing legal documents, gives others the right to spend their money and sell their assets, isolates them, and has the ability to limit the time they can spend with their loved ones. While you may be thinking of the criminal justice system,...9780757004339PaperbackAvailable$19.95 USD