Based on interviews with visionary scientists, philosophers, physicists, and critical
thinkers, this book takes its readers on an exciting journey of discovery. Eva Herr
examines the nature of consciousness; the differences between the mind and the
brain, the body and the soul, and energy and physical objects; and much, much more.
Throughout, her goal is to enhance our understanding of human and cosmic reality
so that we can more effectively interact with the world in which we live.
Eva Herris a talk show host on BBS Radio’s Infinite Consciousness. This gives her an opportunity to engage the minds of today’s top thinkers in the fields of science, consciousness, and the human experience. She is also the author of Agape.
Foreword by Joyce A. Kovelman, Ph.D.
Preface by Stanislav Gergre O’Jack, Ph.D.
Introduction by Eva Herr
And This Is How It All Started . . .
A Dialogue with Roy Scruggs, Ph.D.
Chapter 1: Robert Jahn, Ph.D. and Brenda Dunne
Chapter 2: Christian de Quincey Ph.D.
Chapter 3: Dean Radin, Ph.D.
Chapter 4: Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
Chapter 5: William Tiller, Ph.D.
Chapter 6: Henry Stapp, Ph.D.
Chapter 7: Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.
Chapter 8: Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Chapter 9: Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D.
Chapter 10: Thomas W. Campbell, Jr.
Joyce A. Kovelman, PhD
Joyce A. Kovelman is a neuroscientist, psychologist, personal coach, patient advocate, and ECOSOC representative to the United Nations on behalf of the University of Global Education.
It is truly a joy to write the foreword to Eva Herr’s remarkable new book on consciousness.
As most of Eva’s readers know, Eva grew up in a Southern Baptist family, later converted to Orthodox Judiasm, and when her second marriage ended, she experienced an intense “dark night of the soul,” that led her to deeply question reality as she presently understood it. Her beloved father had died during this period of time, and Eva never got to say good-bye nor tell her father how much she loved and missed him. One night, Eva had an amazing dream in which she visited with her father in another realm of awareness. There he presented her with lots of information, as well as a greater understanding of consciousness, reality, and the ground of being that each of us share with one another, for ALL are part of the One.
When Eva awakened, the “dark night of the soul” had lifted and she was filled with a desire to understand the incredible gift of information her father had shared with her, a yearning to know still more, and a need to find tangible scientific evidence that what she had suddenly and inexplicably learned is true. And so Eva’s journey into the hidden, invisible “ground of being” began, leading her to still more discoveries and to others, who like her, didn’t shy away from the puzzling, the strange, the unexplained, and the challenging new findings posed to them in their research, their classrooms, their laboratories, and their lives. Eva and the scholars she interviews in this book bravely risked ridicule, ostracism, and criticism when they stepped out of the box of conventional science and chose to further explore the findings and implications about this little known, nonphysical universe that gives rise to our world. Somehow, like Alice in Wonderland, each of them had entered a profoundly different reality and science than most of us ever dream of.
Eva interviews some of the most brilliant, creative, and visionary scientists, philosophers, physicists, and critical thinkers in our world, all with impeccable credentials and truly remarkable accomplishments. Eva courageously asks those willing to share their ideas with her to take her readers along with her on a journey of discovery that few traditional and conventional scientists dare to take. She bravely and intelligently asks questions such as the nature of consciousness, the differences between mind and brain, energy versus physical objects, as well as the nature of body and soul. Eva is seeking answers from each of them to the hard and intriguing questions most of us know little about. Each person Eva interviews reveals the importance, as well as the necessity of paying attention to our subjective, inner experiences in order to more effectively relate and interact with the present world in which we live. Every one of the people interviewed by Eva offer us a new understanding and perception of the self, the world, and the cosmos, as well as a more hopeful understanding of reality at its most fundamental level.
There is remarkable agreement among those interviewed by Eva that consciousness always partners with energy, thereby allowing the passive flow of information to transform itself into intended action. Unless the two work as one, nothing can change or happen in our universe. Unless consciousness and energy travel together, we would have no past and no future, and find ourselves living in a static, meaningless cosmos. And though we still do not know what consciousness is, we learn that it is indeed possible to intentionally engage and affect consciousness and our own personal physical reality on many different levels. What Eva and these extraordinary interviews tell us, is that each of us has the ability to create a more satisfying and fulfilling life than we presently experience. In so doing, we gain clarity and the ability to share in vastly more rarified realms of being, and to grow in understanding and wisdom.
I wish to acknowledge the long journey of study and investigation that Eva has been on since receiving the profound gifts her father so lovingly bestowed upon her. In her interviews, Eva carefully frames and poses the questions she asks each person. She has done her homework and is well prepared. It’s also heartwarming to note the frequent complements Eva receives regarding her questions, as well as the correctness of her comments. I felt all of these brilliant scholars showed respect for Eva’s own level of consciousness, abilities, and discernment. Thus, you will find Eva’s interviews are fluid and invite all of us into the discussion that unfolds. At times during these interviews, I no longer experienced myself as a reader. Instead, I felt as if I were included in the exchange of ideas, eager to ask questions of my own, and to join the fascinating and intriguing exploration of so many new and provocative ideas.
Remembering that each journey begins with the first step taken, I invite all of you to read this important and provocative book that offers us new ideas, a new science and a new vision of reality. Consciousness by Eva Herr calls out to all of humanity, inviting us to explore the hidden, invisible dimensions of existence and personhood, as well as to accept the gifts along with the responsibilities that come with awakening to a more challenging, mysterious universe. In so doing, we will begin to make wiser decisions, more appropriate choices, and take the necessary actions to accomplish the many things we feel called to do in the physical world.
Let us make it so.
Stanislav Gergre O'Jack, Ph.D.
Stanislav Gergre O'Jack is a clinical psychologist with an emphasis in family systems, a licensed handicap counselor, a certified mediator, advisory board member and UN representative for the PRIDE organization (Pacific Rim Institute for Development and Education), and had a professional and academic background in mechanical engineering, architecture and design, and industrial design. He also conducts Subtle Energy research with physicists.
The ensuing shared information, adroitly defined, presented by all of the interviewees in response to Eva Herr's insightful questions contained herein has catalyzed within me, in analogous form, an awe, in that I feel like an African or Chinese or Australian or Central American Aborigine that has been handed a “Smart-Phone”—a device or means with which one can access a near infinite volume of information. And thus, I am, in degrees, somewhat stunned in how to adjust to such scientific-theoretical-spiritual-accessible data. The one thought that I have as related to the following quotation is that I need to change my own present reference schema to:
“Free thyself from the fetters of this world, loose thy soul from the
prison of self, seize thy chance for it will come to thee no more.”
—“Hidden Words,” Mirza Husayn Ali, 1863
Thus, as derived from the above quotations, all problems and difficulties presented to an individual—or to all of humankind on this plane of existence—evidently are signs of growth, in that all problems and difficulties are literally “asking questions” which most often lead to acceptable and coherent answers, which then guides our species to its next stage of development, ascending from conception to birth to childhood to pubescence and to adolescence—so that world peace will become a reality.
More than a mere human being who is seeking answers, it is the questions themselves that are seeking or demanding an answer for solutions to existing needs, and this book is based on questions, ones girded by the shared and clearly expressed answers or responses to them—to the degree humanly possible—as delineated by some of humankind’s current astute minds. This is a book written and assembled by Eva Herr, a person who, with humility, states that she has a “scant” formal education.
Although seemingly the question responding individuals are replying with an objective posture, any and all statements ultimately are subjective as prefaced by the statement often stated, “This is my interpretation”. . .“as based on past, present, and projected future knowledge.” Thus, everything must begin with a question, which is the basis for Eva Herr’s manuscript; it is tantamount to being a “wake-up-call” on behalf of all humankind.
Additionally, in keeping with Neils Bohr’s concept of “complimentarity”—conceived and expressed circa 1932, or in Dr. Lazlo’s mention of the ancient concept or reality of “yin yang” as found in Chapter 7— “if there is a proposed question, either outwards or inwards, then its complimentarity must be an answer,” one to be found somewhere in the “entanglement of all” as often expressed by several interviewees. A question conceivably is an answer in itself, and if so, therefore, it is its own complimentarity, the latter in the sense that it identifies the existence of an unknown which elicits or provokes the yet-unknown to be “discovered, uncovered, identified or invented.” From my perspective, all questions of and all answers to anything and everything, although seemingly are based objectively within the limited and fleeting five-senses-realm per the existing basic scientific paradigm, are ultimately subjectively derived and subjectively expressed, and subjectively either agreed upon, denounced, challenge, or protracted.
Eva has assembled predominately a list of questions that seek answers regarding the nature of and the issue to the meaning of “consciousness,” “awareness,” and “intentionality.”
If one is “conscious” (e.g., sensory system) of his or her “awareness” (e.g., non-sensory system) of something, then how are they one and the same? Does it have to do with past and current misinterpretation of the words, and if so, why? Is someone conscious of their awareness or aware of their consciousness? For the present, other than the suggestion that “intent” follows knowledge and precedes volition and action, I will not comment further on “intentionality.” “What, if any, is the difference between brain and mind?” Eva Herr repeatedly asks of every interviewee.
The answers either ranged from “the brain is all there is” and the “mind and brain are one and the same”—as put forth by the behaviorists in psychology beginning in the early 1900s, and in their model that “those who imply that the mind differs from the brain should not be argued with, since the mind is not to be clearly nor unambiguously defined anyway, so let us just talk about what to do with all of humankind’s behavior as applied in a practical manner to the well-being of our species.” (A similar venue-response by Dr. Tiller is in Chapter 5 regarding consciousness and awareness.) The latter can be juxtaposed to the Humanistic Psychology movement in the late 1960s, and also later when spirituality was introduced with aspects of “intuition,” circa 1970-80, as proposed by Transpersonal Psychology. These were meant to restore and to remind people at large that the word “psychology” literally means the study of the soul, that the mind is non-physical, and that it, the ephemeral-like mind, functions through the brain, which is an element of the world of five senses, and that the mind does so via the papilla of the physical heart as transmitted through the fourth thorax of the spine—the heart chakra venue. (Persian Mystic ‘Abdu’l-Baha, early 1900s).
So telepathy—conceivably a “short-cut” for transferring data—is put forth as a mind-to-mind transfer of information, whereas speech and vocabulary serve as sensory-means of information distribution. It is stated in ancient Islamic folklore that “the longest distance in the world is from the mind to the heart and the shortest distance is from the heart to the mind.” Thus, telepathy in this non-physical paradigm is mind-to-mind, as it aborts or side-steps the complications of the mind-to-brain-to-brain-to-mind process of conveying information. In a “sense” cell phones are a form of telepathy in that one can talk into a small “box-like-thing” and obtain the “telepathic voice” transmitted from a distant person.
Mind-to-mind in the above schema differs from the behaviorist’s model of brain-to-brain, since language does not exist in the mind-to-mind paradigm. It is a transfer or sharing of “unmitigated thought.” As an example of how it is at times difficult to clearly convey a message between two languages, I will share an experience that I had in China in 1991 during a tour-bus excursion. The guide asked of me, “Why in the United States do you drive your car in the parkway and then park your car in the driveway?” In the English language “up” has over sixty applications, and there are numerous other words that look alike, sound alike, are spelled the same, or spelled differently although pronounced the same: “You mean, I am mean compared to the mean-average mean?” Perhaps mind-to-mind (thought to thought) best be explored more acutely. ||
The main question appears to be does the brain invent or merely record and distribute what the mind expresses via the sensory system (audible and written languages driven by logic), or does the mind dispense information through the aegis of a non- sensory system such as intuition, telepathy, and/or a great psychic guess?
In a book entitled The Reality of Man, it is suggested that there are two kinds of thought: one both begins and ends with thought (the manipulation of information) and the other begins with thought and ends with action. Also, the author of the above named book proposes that just as the sensory system (brainbody) has five senses, the non-sensory system also has five nonsensory aspects: “Thinking” (the manipulation of information wherein information could be defined as Data’s Bits and Bytes), “Comprehension” (understanding of information), “Memory” (imprinting or information-storage), “Knowledge” (is information), and “The Common Faculty” (transmits information from the mind to the brain).
To further employ the computer and its components as a “logical” analogy to the human system, then the computer’s main-frame is the brain, and that which controls the computer is the programmer (mind). The mind is an aspect of the soul. “The Common Faculty” of the soul is tantamount to being a router that sends messages to various parts of the brain—to its icons stored in different locations of the brain—with which to temporarily (physical life) store information to be used for different functions of the human body as clearly stated in current medical models which demonstrate that different parts of the brain contain information for biochemical functions, physical movement, language employment, food processing, eliminations, etc. In this new schema, logic and intuition—the higher part of the overall human system—are the basis for creativity, invention, and intervention, whereas the ego is a rote response system which assures the physical function of the human body.
To repeat: repetition “imprints” as is often said. Eva Herr continually addresses the issue of “what is consciousness” and what is “awareness” and are they one and the same? Is one conscious of their awareness of issues or is one aware of one’s conscious state-of-being at all given times, or just during some fleeting moments?
Throughout the Introduction of this manuscript by Eva, regarding her purpose for creating this book, and within the interview chapters, what is apparently being put forth in context is that our species, Homo sapiens, is advancing intellectually, scientifically, philosophically, and spiritually, and therefore, there currently exists a variety and mix of differing “minds.” Propitiously, in some Far East writings (of the Baha’i Faith) is a proverb that states, “From the clash of differing opinions often is ignited the spark of truth.”
As predicated on the “concept” or “reality” that there is such a thing as God— “The Complimentarity of all living/existing things throughout the Infinite Universe,” whatever infinite means—then it certainly would have been great to have asked all the above questions of God through Its Physical Presence—The Prophet of all religions. Perhaps we best be prepared in advance for the “Next Return” with a list of questions for science, religion, and philosophy? I recall the time when my daughter was ten years old and my son was eight years old, and they were arguing who had the greatest number of something or another, and I decided to explain to them the concept of infinity in order to settle the argument. The next thing I heard from my daughter and son in their argument was, “I have infinity plus one,” and my son replied to his sister that “he had infinity plus two.” Thus, is this where our species may be today in respect to all of the above? The words, theme, and dedication of all the interviewees in Eva Herr’s new book brings to mind the following prayer, a special message to all members of our species. I “feel” that the prayer reflects the theme and character of the interviewer and of all the individuals interviewed.
“O God! Make me as a teacher in Thy Cause. Cause my mouth to utter thewisdom of Thy ways. Make me wise, kind, good and understanding. Give me the courage of Thy Martyrs, the patience of Thy Saints and the knowledge of Thy Chosen Ones. Make me a fire that will burn through the darkness of men’s ignorance, a flag that will fly above his weakness, and a song that will sing and echo through his despair. And beloved Father, all that I can return for these many gifts is a love so great that it threatens to tear me in two. I love Thee from the inner most corners of my soul. I beg for the priceless favor of being allowed to serve Thee. All that my heart is crying and that my words cannot express, I know Thou, Heavenly Father, understandeth. I can say no more.”
—Compilation, “Star of the West,” Volume 10, Abbas Effendi
by Eva Herr
I am just a woman who, like many, had a mystical experience after the occurrence of a very dark night of the soul. The full story can be referenced in my first book, Agape: The Intent of the Soul. A severe “dark night” followed by sudden illumination also seems to be a theme shared by everyone I have interviewed.
In my case, the experience was completely unexpected and brought with it a sudden and powerful mystical experience that occurred literally overnight while I slept. It instantaneously and radically changed what I had always known my life to be into something totally different. Prior to this event, I was caught up in the dogma of materialism, vanity, and self-consumed ideations. When I awoke the next morning, I was a different person with a different agenda in life . . . to fully understand consciousness—the God force—behind everything that exists. Accompanying this was a powerful but simplistic idea of agape—the love for one’s fellow man as one loves oneself, because we are all one. I no longer cared about materialism, vanity, and my “me-me” attitude. From that moment on, my focus was no longer what others could do for me, but what could I do for others. This was a new approach for me. I awoke with knowledge of cutting-edge science and alternative medicine that I had not previously known, plus an ability to accurately detect illness in others, often years in the future. Where did this come from? What did it mean? Was my mind playing tricks, or was the knowledge I received real? Was it in any form provable from a scientific perspective, and if it was, what did it mean to me, the people I know, and to the world?
A sudden, unquenchable thirst for knowledge drove me to seek what I could find regarding such matters; so, with a background in litigation and research skills, I set out to find the most factually based information available, from some of the most respected scientists in the world today. I have set forth my discoveries in this book.
What was the purpose of this mystical experience I had? What caused it to happen? What did it do? Is there more than one kind? How is it that consciousness conveys information from Big Mind (Source, God, The Force . . . whatever you want to call it) to little mind—the “who we are every day.”
This book emerged by way of much contemplation and many long hours of conversations between my dear friend, Roy Scruggs, Ph.D., and me over the course of many years, focusing on the topic of the science of consciousness. Roy was a very interesting man; very educated in the physical sciences, aero engineering, as well as the meta-sciences, such as quantum mechanics and metaphysics. He was a very spiritual, astro-engineer who worked on the Apollo Project. Bottom line: he knew science and spiritual mysticism inside out.
I searched the globe over for the most brilliant and knowledgeable minds existing in the world today. The pre-requisite was that whatever they presented in our interview had to be of a sound scientific basis. This is where Roy came in. He and I sat for hundreds of hours, going over the materials presented by each scientist, whom I would then question on their views during my weekly radio show Infinite Consciousness. I asked the hard questions. I didn’t want to know what they thought I wanted to know that they knew. What were their positions on certain topics, and why did they stand so firmly on these positions? What research was available to prove what they had come to believe?
One thing I learned from my experience is that we are one with everything . . . that there is in fact no matter on the quantum level . . . meaning, that we are not separate from anything else in existence. I began to wonder if science had proven this, or if science even thought they were on the horizon of proving it. How could it be that there is no separation between us and everything else? It all boils down to the fact that matter does not exist on the quantum level. So my search began for the facts.
It has been my honor to have had the opportunity to study and learn with some of the most brilliant minds of our times. Over the past decade I have studied, meditated, and prepared for these questions of such great importance, and conducted numerous interviews with these remarkable scientists through my radio show. I think you will find the result to be some of the most astonishing and thought-provoking material you will ever read and I hope that it will give you hope for your life and the future of our children, our planet and the generations to come.