Do This. Get Rich! is a straightforward guide that offers twelve simple yet powerful tools for achieving financial success by awaking the entrepreneur within. You will not only gain the skills needed to build and succeed in your own business, but you will win a new sense of direction and confidence that will guide you in reaching your most ambitious goals. You will also have a practical framework from which to handle everyday personal and business challenges, as well as strategies needed in today’s business world.
Jim Britt, entrepreneur and peak performance specialist, is a noted success counselor and a recognized leader in the field of personal empowerment and business training. He has served as a performance trainer for hundreds of companies worldwide, helping employees reach their true potential both professionally and personally.
Foreword by T. Harv Eker
1. Living the American Dream
You are the Strongest Link—For Circumstances to Change, You Have to Change—Fall “in Love"
2. Being Your Best at Whatever You do
Face Your Fears—Do Your Best—What You Become You Attract—The Right Attitude—The Poverty Attitude—The Paycheck to Paycheck Attitude—The Middle Income Attitude—The Game Player Attitude—The Game Maker Attitude—The Millionaire Maker Attitude
3. Making a Decision to be Wealthy
Defining What Success Means to You—Having a Success Mindset—Don’t Listen to Poverty Minded People—Create Your Own Path to Success—You Must Have Trust and Faith—Using Your Imagination
4. Eliminating Time Constraints
The Secret to Maximum Personal Productivity— Energy Gainers, Energy Drainers—Knowing Your Mission—Setting Clear Objectives—Know Your Next Move
5. Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone
Do Something in a Different Way—Take a Full Spectrum View—Failing Doesn’t Mean You’re a Failure
6. Overcoming Self-imposed Limitations
Learning to Suspend all Beliefs—Going Beyond Believing—Changing a Belief—Overcoming Money Limitations—Finding Money Making Opportunities—Take a Rich Person to Dinner--Changing Self-limiting Habit Patterns—Making a Fundamental Choice—The Truth Will Set You---Free Attitude is Everything—Setting Priorities—Creating a Team—Decide What You’re Worth
7. Managing Yourself
Playing Chess vs. Checkers—Avoiding Undermining Choices—Being on Purpose with a Purpose—Understanding the Law of Cause and Effect—Look for the Truth—What You Attempt to Control, Controls You—You, Incorporated
8. A Strategy for Success
Refining Your Approach—A Plan is Only an Approximation of Reality—Follow the Trends—The Home Business Trend—A Rising Trend—You’ve Got to be Bold—All Opportunities are Not Created Equal
9. Building Lasting Relationships
The Secret to Success—Climb “into” Others Point of View—Getting Paid for Everything You do—Know Why People Buy—W.I.I.F.M.—Learn to Discover what others Want—Relationship Networking—Think “Success”
10. Developing Your Leadership Skills
The Qualities of a Great Leader—Has a Vision—Sets the Example—Gives Service to Others—Takes Responsibility—Challenges others—Keeps People Connected—Cares for the Team—Shows Appreciation—Is a Good Listener—Studies Human Nature—Is Resourceful—Is Sensitive—Manages Activity—Has no Ego
11. The Power of Letting Go
Making correct choices---Letting go versus pushing against---Overcoming anxiety
A simple tool that works
12. The Beginning
You are More Than Your Current Story—What Makes a Great Opportunity—Do Not Procrastinate—Success is Reserved for the Talented and the Gifted
"[Britt] sells his advice with all the passion of a free-enterprise preacher...he delivers."
Money is an uncomfortable subject for most of us. We have a love affair with money and at the same time we fear it. We can’t live without it and we can’t live with it. Most people would rather talk about their sex lives than money. Depending on how you relate to money it can bring great joy into your life or it can make you miserable.
Money influences every area of our lives, our professions, our families, our recreation and leisure time, our home, our lifestyle, even our spiritual pursuits. Almost everything we do, every decision we make is influenced by money.
There are five ways to have more money:
- Clear up your debt. This approach usually fails because clearing your debt takes money, doesn’t it? It usually ends in that all too familiar “catch 22.”
- Spend less. But in order to spend less most people would have to clear up their debt. And of course this approach usually ends in failure because to clear debt takes what? More money.
- Invest. In order to invest what do you need? More money, right? And in order to have money to invest you need to clear up some debt. And of course to clear debt you need …more money.
- Earn more. The problem with this approach is that most people have been conditioned to believe that they are earning as much as they can based upon their current expertise or education. They would like to learn a new talent that might earn them more but the problem is that this takes time…and of course, more money.
- Change your “relationship” with money. This is the one we focus on in this book. The reality is that most people feel powerless when it comes to having money. The truth is that most people give their power away to frustration, doubt, worry, and a host of others fears. The only way to have more is to change how we view money and to change our relationship with money.
In order to have more money in your life, you have to do something different. And in order to do something different you have to first know something different can be done. And in order to know something different can be done, you have to first suspect that your present method needs improving. It has to become painfully obvious that change is definitely required. And last, you have to be open for a better way…a new approach to making money.
The book flows from two separate streams of experience in my own background. The first is personal. The second is professional.
I developed a solid work ethic at an early age. My family…mother, father, two sisters and one brother worked in the cotton fields in Oklahoma. In the summer we would “chop cotton.” That’s cutting the weeds out that could potentially smother the crop. In the fall of the year we would “pick cotton.” Chopping cotton was hot grueling, back breaking work, and for very little money. The only thing harder was picking cotton. We earned a flat rate of $.02 a pound. (Cotton weighs very little.) Needless to say we didn’t make much money, but we did learn how to work hard.
There were two valuable lessons I learned from my early work experience. The first lesson was that working hard wasn’t the answer to earning more. The second was that often people compromise their true potential because of what they have come to accept as their “true lot in life.” Their “internal computer programs” are so strong and so ingrained that they feel that there is no hope of ever having more than what someone else tells them they’re worth.
By seventeen I had dropped out of high school. I got married at eighteen and started a family with my first son being born when I was nineteen. I secured my first real job in a gas station. I worked ten hours a day six days a week for $1.00 per hour. My take home was $52.10 a week. It was a hard job and I worked hard. But for all my hard work after a year or so I was still earning $1.00 per hour. Again, it re-affirmed that working hard wasn’t the answer to earning more.
My next job was working on an assembly line in a factory. I made $1.67 per hour but I could only work forty hours a week so I made about the same amount of money as in the gas station. I worked hard to perfect my efficiency, but even though I was one of the top workers in the factory I was still paid the same. I was beginning to get it. You could only earn so much trading your time for money working with your own two hands.
After five years at the factory going nowhere I was introduced to direct selling in a business of my own. I was an “entrepreneur!” Couldn’t spell the word, but I was one! I got the bug. The moment I was introduced to the concept a light went on in my head…and right then I became “unemployable.” I knew that I could never work for anyone again.
I went through a lot of ups and downs the first few years, especially the first year. More about that later. But through all the ups and downs I never lost that entrepreneurial spirit…the light never went out and it still burns brightly today.
I have been involved with many entrepreneurial ventures, from marketing various consumer goods to formulation of nutritional products, from owning medical clinics to home building, from infomercials marketing on television to publishing and many others. Was every venture successful? No. But I learned just as much from the unsuccessful as from the successful ones.
As I gained more experience and became more successful in multiple businesses, I wanted to share my knowledge and my new-found freedom with others. I resolved to make a significant contribution toward helping men and women capitalize on their talents to achieve more satisfying lives. Because of my professional experience and success as an entrepreneur I decided to begin coaching and training others on how to be successful.
Over the last three decades, what has captured my attention and the majority of my effort has been sharing what I learned about being a successful entrepreneur. Others who want more out of life, who want to enjoy greater financial achievement have listened and learned, and I have heard many success stories where I played a part. I have had the opportunity to work as a consultant, a trainer and a success coach to over 300 companies and their employees. I have shared my entrepreneurial insights in my seminars with more than a million people from all walks of life. I’ve utilized these principles to coach thousands toward greater success, and many of them have gone from average wage earners to earning fortunes in their own business.
Whether you are already in a business of your own and you want to take it to a new level, or you want to learn how to become a successful entrepreneur, you’ll discover the missing piece to that elusive financial puzzle. I promise that when you learn to work freely and easily with these principles your business will become “intentionally successful.”