Have you ever wished to lose weight, give up smoking, quit biting your nails, or stop dozens of other bad habits? Have you ever wanted to become a better lover? Hypnosis—the power to control the subconscious through posthypnotic suggestion—can make it happen. This easy-tounderstand book provides basic hypnosis techniques and examines how this fascinating power, whether self-induced or performed by a professional, can be used in such areas as healing, stress reduction, love, and more.
Hans Holzer, PhD, received his doctorate from the London College of Applied Science. He taught parapsychology at the New York Institute of Technology, and has headed the Center for Paranormal Studies, Inc.
1. Hypnosis Through the Ages
2. The Wonders of Sleep,
3. What Exactly Is Hypnosis?,
4. Hypnosis Techniques,
5. Emotional Hypnosis,
6. Beware of Involuntary Hypnosis,
7. Love, Sex, and Hypnosis,
8. Healing Body and Mind,
9. Mysteries of Silent Hypnosis,
10. Hypnosis and the Sixth Sense,
11. Reincarnation and Déjà vu,
If you walk into a bookstore looking for information about hypnosis, the categories in which you find each book will give you a clue as to its author’s take on this complex, sometimes controversial, and often misunderstood subject. Some titles are found with dense medical volumes. Others are found in psychology sections. Still others are found among books about the occult.
Books written by doctors and academics tend to be couched in technical terms. They generally include clinical case histories and are aimed at medical practitioners. These may put the average reader to sleep—no pun intended.
At the other end of the spectrum are books written by magicians and performers who regard hypnosis as entertainment. They dwell on special effects, hypnotic tricks, and proof that hypnosis really “works.” Some books reveal techniques for do-it-yourself hypnosis, which can be risky if you do not know what you are doing.
Finally, you will find books written by parapsychologists, psychologists, hypnotists, and professional science writers who attempt to deal with the subject as a whole and from all points of view. Their purpose is to explain the use of hypnosis in modern society and to inform the public of the risks and rewards of hypnosis while providing a comprehensive handbook for readers seeking to use hypnosis to better their lives.
My book falls somewhat into the last category, but with some differences.
In Hypnosis, you will learn the fascinating history behind hypnosis while exploring what hypnosis is and the techniques that are used by professional hypnotists. I have created a factual yet interesting context for your understanding and, perhaps, appreciation of hypnosis. No such explanation is complete without exploring the wonders of sleep, so we will begin with this subject and the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious. You will learn, too, about how and why modern hypnosis helps treat problems related to sex, love, and relationships. Through other case studies, you will see that when hypnosis “suggests” that an ailing mind or body heal itself, the subject often responds by beginning the path towards wellness. Finally, we will visit the paranormal, and what hypnosis can potentially teach us about this field of study.
I wrote this book for two reasons.
First, I want to correct and clarify inaccuracies, distortion, and misconceptions. I want you to understand what hypnosis can, and cannot, do.
Second, I want to share my own experience and knowledge of the uses of hypnosis in research of parapsychology. My work encompasses extrasensory perception (ESP) and reincarnation, while also exploring a variety of other psychic phenomena that some might consider unorthodox but help create a more complete understanding of hypnosis.
On occasion, I have practiced psychotherapy as well, with some success. I believe that only when we consider the human personality as a whole and recognize hypnosis as an important element of the integrated mind-body-spirit, can we understand the usefulness, the effectiveness, and the power of hypnosis.