Babaji, the ageless avatar who taught Jesus and Moses, and who, as Shiva, is the Lord of the Universe, speaks to us through his devotee, the Indian mystic Rashmi, who shares with us both her journey with this supreme master and his wisdom teachings for the modern age. His teachings are simple and powerful and revolve around the energy of truth, love, and simplicity. They help us bridge the seeming diversity of the world to reside in the unity consciousness at its core, from which we can resolve many of today’s pressing problems. He encourages us to embrace our own truth and be courageous in its defense, to become spiritual warriors and take up the sword of light to cut through our own darkness . . . to be ordinary in our extraordinariness and extraordinary within the simple ordinariness of our being. His Maha Avataric energy imbues every word of these teachings here with grace, courage, and truth and has the capacity within one’s free will to give the reader an experience of Babaji’s world of love and its transformative power to raise our consciousness from ego-based, shadow living; to follow our intuition and the voice of our soul; to join Shiva’s dance of ecstasy and vital beingness; and to choose heaven on earth by our Satya Yuga frequency.
Babaji tells us that only those with total purity and simplicity of heart will be able to go through the eye of the needle of coming earth-birth changes to live lives of pure beingness, supreme bliss, and ecstasy.
Rashmi Khilnani is the author of The Diving Mother Speaks: The Healing of the Human Heart . She is an international teacher of Usui, Tibetan, Karuna(R), Raku Kei, and Original 7 Degree Reiki Master Teachers and practitioners. She has been channeling the Ascended Masters for the last fifteen years, and making these teachings simple and accessible to people of all levels of sojourning.
PART I: Maha Avatar Babaji
Chapter One
Babaji, the Guru of Gurus
Chapter Two
My Spiritual Journey with Babaji
Chapter Three
The Coming Age of Light
PART II: Maha Avatar Babaji Teaches Us Here Now
Chapter Four
Love Is
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
I Am Harmony
Chapter Seven
Om Namah Shivaya
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Intuition and Doubt
Chapter Ten
Accelerated Transformation
Chapter Eleven
Faith and Trust
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Bridging of the Spiritual and the Mundane
Chapter Fifteen
Dare to Be Your Truth
Chapter Sixteen
Grace and Purity of Heart
Chapter Seventeen
Rashmi’s Conclusion
Biography of Rashmi Khilnani
"He encompasses all things /
Though He is but One.
Whoever Should know him /
Shiva the Benign / wins peaces forever."
-Svetashvatara Upanishad, 1V:14
Babaji, the ageless avatar who taught Jesus and Moses, and who, as Shiva, is the Lord of the Universe, speaks to us through his devotee the Indian mystic Rashmi, who shares with us both her journey with this supreme master and his wisdom teachings for the modern age.
His teachings are simple and powerful and revolve around the energy of truth, love, and simplicity. They help us bridge the seeming diversity of the world to reside in the unity consciousness at its core, from which we can resolve many of today’s pressing problems.
He encourages us to embrace our own truth and be courageous in its defense, to become spiritual warriors and take up the sword of light to cut through our own darkness . . . to be ordinary in our extraordinariness and extraordinary within the simple ordinariness of our being. His Maha Avataric energy imbues every word of these teachings here with grace, courage, and truth and has the capacity within one’s free will to give the reader an experience of Babaji’s world of love and its transformative power to raise our consciousness from ego-based, shadow living; to follow our intuition and the voice of our soul; to join Shiva’s dance of ecstasy and vital beingness; and to choose heaven on earth by our Satya Yuga frequency.
Babaji tells us that only those with total purity and simplicity of heart will be able to go through the eye of the needle of coming earth-birth changes to live lives of pure beingness, supreme bliss,and ecstasy.