There is no cure for hair loss just yet. A number of amazing options are available, though, including high-tech surgical techniques, revolutionary drugs, and cosmetic hair additions that are more natural-looking than ever before. For anyone experiencing hair loss, the problem is seeing through the hype of ads and finding the technique or product that really works.
Hair replacement experts Drs. James Harris and Emanuel Marritt have written The Hair Replacement Revolution to deliver accurate, honest information on all aspects of hair loss, from its physical causes and psychological ramifications, to its many legitimate and not-so-legitimate treatment options. You’ll discover both the benefits and the limitations of the available pharmaceutical, surgical, and cosmetic advancements; and learn how to find ethical, capable hair restoration professionals. Most important, The Hair Replacement Revolution will help you choose the option that’s right for you.
James Harris, MD, FACS, received his medical degree from the University of Colorado School of Medicine. A facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Harris’s practice is limited exclusively to follicular unit hair transplantation.
Emanuel Marritt, MD, received his medical degree from New York University. For over twentyfive years, he has specialized in the field of hair transplantation.
Part I The Background
1. The Business of Hair Loss,
2. The Psychology of Hair Loss,
3. The Causes of Hair Loss,
Part II The Options
4. Cosmetic Hair Additions,
5. Pharmaceutical Options,
6. Surgical Options,
7. Repair and Reconstruction,
Part III The Right Decision
8. Decisions, Decisions,
9. The Savvy Consumer,
Physician Referral List,
Advocacy Groups,
About the Authors,
The attractive guy on the cover of this book delivers an unspoken promise of youth, good looks, and lots of hair! It is an irresistible image that is typical of those used in ads and brochures and commercials in the hair-loss industry—one that has been created to finesse consumers into plunking down their hard-earned money and buying into a dream. Unfortunately, the hair loss industry is and has always been a target for snake-oil salesmen and slick marketers who prey on the vulnerability of people who are desperate for a “cure.” The marketplace is filled with lotions and potions and “breakthrough advances” that promise to deliver the hair that is so desirable and in such demand. And consumers are instantly drawn to that possibility, unable to resist the possible realization of their hopes. Sadly, however, after throwing away precious dollars chasing that elusive dream, they come to the eventual reality that the promise didn’t live up to its claim. Disheartened, they may come away from the experience a little wiser, but quickly abandon that wisdom when the next “miracle cure” comes along.
Of course, not all hair loss treatments and alternatives fall into the “suspicious” category. There have been a number of extraordinary advances in this field. If you are one of the millions looking to separate the fact from the fiction, the truth from the exaggeration, you have come to the right place. This book is all about the truth. It is designed to cut through the misleading ads and promotions that continually bombard the marketplace, and focus on the realities of hair restoration.
When dealing with any major decision, the more information you have, the better able you will be to make the right choice. Seems pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? Well, it is and it isn’t. Every book, every magazine article contains information. Every advertisement, brochure, video, or infomercial contains some kind of information. But when it comes to treating hair loss, the most critical task is determining the legitimacy of that information. With collective careers of over thirty-five years as hair-replacement surgeons, we were determined through this book to deliver the accurate, honest information that you, the consumer, should expect and deserve. Our goal was to enlighten and educate.
So what’s in this book? The Hair Replacement Revolution is a user-friendly practical guide that clearly and objectively presents information on all aspects of hair loss, from its physical causes and psychological ramifications, to its many legitimate and not-so-legitimate treatment options. It takes you by the hand, and helps you focus on the best personal choices for your particular situation. Divided into three main parts, the book begins with a section on hair-loss basics, moves on to the various options in dealing with hair loss, and then closes with guidelines on how to make the best decision for your particular situation.
The first chapter in Part I offers a brief history of the evolution of the hair-replacement field, from its early roots to its incredible explosion into the ever-growing multibillion-dollar industry it is today. As you will see, the technological advances in all three branches—surgical, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical—are nothing less than astounding. Along with this success, however, also lurks industry fraud and misrepresentation. In this opening chapter and throughout the book, your eyes will be opened to many of the scams, unethical practices, and even the dangers found within the field. In an effort to help you better understand yourself and your personal reaction to hair loss, Chapter 2 discusses common psychological factors (often subtle, yet powerful) that are associated with this condition. You’ll learn how to handle the fear, confusion, and anxiety that characteristically plagues those who are dealing with baldness. You’ll discover how the right attitude is crucial in achieving the best outcome in your search for hair. Chapter 3 concludes this section by outlining the various types of hair loss. It begins with some basic information on the anatomy and life cycle of the hair follicle, and then goes on to dispel the common myths that are believed to trigger hair loss, while clearly explaining its true causes.
Part II is all about hair-replacement options. The chapters in this section offer comprehensive information on the legitimate choices that are available for dealing with hair loss, including the decision to do nothing at all. That’s right. Staying bald is a viable choice that you just may determine is best for you. Chapter 4 welcomes you to the world of cosmetic hair additions. By the time you have reached the end of this chapter, you’ll know everything about them—their basic components, the different attachment methods, and why some appear more natural than others. Pharmaceuticals that have been scientifically tested and approved for the treatment of hair loss are presented in Chapter 5, along with a warning about the unending parade of products that “claim” hair-growth success. Chapter 6 is an all-inclusive chapter on surgical options that details the pros and cons of various hair-restoring procedures, focusing special attention on the latest transplantation techniques. A discussion on bogus surgical procedures that you should be aware of and avoid concludes the chapter. And for those who are in need of repair or reconstruction—often the result of poorly performed prior surgeries—Chapter 7 presents the procedures used to remedy these problems.
While the first two sections of The Hair Replacement Revolution provide all of the necessary information on hair loss and its available options, Part III is designed to aid you in your decision-making. Are you going to accept your hair loss, or will you attempt to replace it? And if your decision is the latter, which option seems best for you? A hair addition? A surgical procedure? A pharmaceutical therapy? Chapter 8 examines a variety of factors regarding these options that must be considered, such as the time and cost involved, as well as your personal preferences. This evaluation will help you focus on your particular needs in making the right choice. By the time you reach Chapter 9, there’s a good chance that you may want to investigate further one or more of the hair-restoration options. This last chapter will aid you in the search for a qualified provider who can help you achieve your goal. Not only does it offer suggestions for locating hair-replacement professionals, it also outlines essential guidelines for helping in your assessment of them. Rounding out this chapter is some solid advice that will help you see through all of the hype that’s out there—the special offers, the claims that seem too good to be true, the amazing but suspicious before-and-after photos, and more.
The Hair Replacement Revolution offers knowledge, and knowledge is power. It will arm you with all of the information, support, and skill you’ll need to become a savvy consumer—someone who is prepared to objectively and realistically assess all of the possible alternatives. Most important, it will empower you with the confidence to make the right decision. If you have gained this strength and confidence after reading this book, we will have done our job.