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Almost 75 percent of your health and life expectancy is based on lifestyle, environment, and nutrition. Yet even if you follow a healthful diet, you are probably not getting all the nutrients you need to prevent disease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and So Much More, Second Edition, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you can restore and maintain health through the wise use of nutrients.
Part 1 of this easy-to-use guide provides the individual nutrients necessary for good health, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, fatty acids, amino acids, and beneficial substances such as CBD oil and cocoa. Part 2 then offers personalized nutritional programs for people with a wide variety of illnesses and disorders. Whether you want to maintain good health or you are trying to overcome a medical condition, What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and So Much More can help you make the best choices for the health and well-being of you and your family.
● Explains the need for and benefits of proper nutrition in easy-to-understand language
● Thoroughly describes the function and cautions of each recommended nutrient
● Offers the latest nutritional information for your most common health disorders
● Suggests optimum dosages and most effective supplement forms where appropriate
● Provides tips for increasing the body’s absorption of vitamins and minerals
● Includes practical and helpful advice for dealing with a variety of medical situations
Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, MPH, is a diplomat of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Physicians and director of the Master's Program in Medical Sciences, with a concentration in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine, at the University of South Florida College of Medicine. An authority on the subjects of wellness and anti-aging, Dr. Smith is also director of the Fellowship in Anti-Aging, Regenerative, and Functional Medicine. Currently, she is the owner and director of the Center for Healthy Living, with locations in Michigan and Florida. Dr. Smith is also the best-selling author of What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More; What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones; What you Must Know About Memory Loss; and Why You Can’t Lose Weight.
Introduction 000
The Purpose of this Book 000
Mixing Supplements, Drugs, and Food 000
Part 1: Nutrients
1. Vitamins 000
2. Minerals 000
3. Fatty Acids
4. Amino Acids
Part 2: Health Conditions
Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion
Alzheimer’s Disease
Anorexia Nervosa
Autoimmune Diseases
Benign Prostastic Hypertrophy
Cervical Cancer
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Closed Head Injury
Common Cold
Congestive Heart Failure
Crohn’s Disease
Diabetes Mellitus
Dry Eyes
Estrogen-Related Problems
Food Allergies
Gall Bladder Disorders
Hair Loss
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Hepatitis C
High Blood Pressue (Hypertension)
High Cholesterol
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leg Cramps
Macular Degeneration
Menopause-Related Problems
Migraine Headaches
Multiple Sclerosis
Myasthenia Gravis
Parkinson’s Disease
Periodontal Disease
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis)
Sjögren’s Syndrome
Ulcerative Colitis
Varicose Veins
Wound Healing
Part 3: Maintaining Health
Bodybuilder’s Nutrition
Dieter’s Nutrition
Enhancing Detoxification
Enhancing Energy
Enhancing Immunity
Liver Health
Memory Enhancement
Men’s Health
Smoker’s Nutrition
Sports Nutrtion
Sun Tanner’s Nutrition
Surgery and Nutrition
Women’s Health
Do you need to take vitamins and other nutrients? In what amounts should you take them? Which supplements are the most effective? What should you take for a specific illness or chronic problem? Answering these questions is a fundamental aspect of good health and longevity--but there are so many countering viewpoints regarding nutrients and nutrient supplementation that it can be hard to know what to do. This book will provide you with the critical information necessary to find the answers that are right for you.
Various health committees have attempted to provide nutritional guidelines. The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science, for example, developed its recommended daily allowance (RDA) and its reference daily intake (RDI). However, these dietary suggestions, which are often strictly adhered to by well-meaning individuals, are designed to prevent disease. They are not designed to help people achieve optimal wellness--which should be the goal.
Furthermore, the RDA and RDI were developed without considering that each person requires a different amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. To fully promote your body's health, your nutritional intake must reflect such factors as medications, vitamin interactions, soil depletion, need for more antioxidants, stress, age, lifestyle, and genetics. Therefore, you cannot trust that your healthy friend's nutritional plan will necessarily work for you. Dr. Linus Pauling first described this phenomenon in 1968.
Proper determination of what your body needs is imperative. Almost 75 percent of your health and life expectancy is based on lifestyle, environment, and nutrition. Just as importantly, these factors also greatly influence the number of years you spend healthy. This has been proven by studies which show that “not only do persons with better health habits survive longer, but in such persons, disability is postponed and compressed into fewer years at the end of life.” An article in the New England Journal of Medicine illustrated this point. After examining diet, lifestyle, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women, the author concluded that the majority of type 2 diabetes cases are preventable with the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
Similarly, researchers in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated, “Suboptimal vitamin states are associated with many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. It is important for physicians to identify patients with poor nutrition or other reasons for increased vitamin needs.” They suggested that, “Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone…it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.”
What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, and More provides the information you need to know about nutrients--including signs of deficiencies, how to treat various diseases and disorders, and the dangers of certain interactions. It will allow you to make informed decisions, optimize your health, and live your life well.
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The Purpose of This Book
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Mixing Supplements, Drugs, and Food
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